How to switch back to personal account on instagram?

How to switch back to personal account on instagram?

  1. Open Instagram: Launch the Instagram app on your smartphone and go to your profile by tapping the profile icon or your picture in the bottom right corner.

  2. Access Settings: Tap on the three horizontal lines (menu icon) in the top right corner of your profile page. This will open a sidebar menu.

  3. Go to Settings: In the sidebar menu, you will see a "Settings" option. Tap on it to enter the settings menu.

  4. Select Account: Inside Settings, scroll down until you find the "Account" option. Tap on it to open your account settings.

  5. Switch Account Type: Scroll down to the bottom of the Account settings, and you should find an option that says “Switch to Personal Account” or “Switch Account Type.” Tap on it.

  6. Confirm the Switch: After tapping on "Switch to Personal Account," Instagram might ask you to confirm your choice. Confirm that you want to switch back to a personal account.

  7. Complete the Process: Follow any additional prompts that Instagram might provide to finalize the switch. Once completed, your account will be reverted to a personal account.

Remember, after switching to a personal account, you'll lose access to some professional tools like insights and the ability to promote posts. If you can't find the option or if the interface looks different, Instagram’s Help Center is always a good place to look for the most current instructions.