Buy Instagram Likes

Select a package that you like and submit Order Now button. Bigger packages comes with huge discounts, so check out all our packages before you proceed with the purchase.

Please make sure your profile is Public before you place an order as we can't deliver likes to private profiles.

When you buy instagram likes package on our website, we will spread likes to your recent 10-20 posts depending upon the package you purchase.

How does it work?

Get instagram likes to your recent posts within just 2-3 hours. For example, if you buy 5000 instagram likes package, we will deliver 500 likes each to your recent 10 posts. You will receive a total of 5000 likes. You can buy likes unlimited number of times as we can deliver upto 10 million instagram likes per post. We just require your instagram username in order to deliver likes. 



Get your likes quickly! Your order usually starts processing within minutes after you buy.


Receive top-quality, immediate likes from actual users with authentic accounts—no fakes.


Poor customer service can be frustrating. We are committed to offering you excellent support at all times.

Why Buy Instagram Likes?

When you buy instagram likes through a trusted source, you can significantly boost your influence on instagram. Achieving popularity on Instagram can be tough—it demands time, effort, and a level of dedication that many find overwhelming. Thankfully, there's a simpler route. Buying likes from GiveMeBoost can act as your shortcut to social media fame. These real likes are like keys unlocking your potential to become a star on the platform.

Social interactions on platforms like Instagram are interconnected; likes lead to comments, comments attract followers, and more followers increase overall engagement, much like a chain reaction. However, gaining likes isn't always easy—unless you're using GiveMeBoost. Here, likes are affordable and easy to obtain. At GiveMeBoost, our goal is to provide exceptional service and ensure a top-notch user experience. Our process is straightforward, quick, and secure.

Buying likes can elevate your Instagram profile in numerous ways, including getting your posts onto the explore page. For those aiming to boost their engagement swiftly, we also offer other services, such as the option to buy followers. If you’re curious to learn more about enhancing your Instagram presence, keep reading or visit GiveMeBoost.

Why Are Instagram Likes Important for Your Account?

Instagram likes are very important for gaining more popularity on the platform. They help drive traffic to your profile, which can open up opportunities for business offers and partnerships, especially for influencers aiming to collaborate with brands. More likes can also enhance your visibility, attracting more people to your profile. When users see that your content is highly liked, they are more likely to engage with it due to a thing known as herd psychology—people tend to follow the actions of others.

Getting likes is essential if you want to become very important on Instagram. Many well-known Instagram users buy likes to maintain their popularity. The like button acts as a barometer of public opinion on your posts. If a post gets many likes, it typically attracts even more, as people are influenced by seeing others like it. This creates a snowball effect, increasing visibility and engagement exponentially. This chain reaction can significantly boost your reach and introduce your brand or business to a wider audience.

However, maintaining momentum on Instagram can be challenging. Standing out consistently requires not just excellent content but also visible engagement, such as likes. Regularly posting great content and supporting it with a high number of likes can keep you on the Instagram Explore Page, enhancing your visibility. Since relying solely on organic likes is unpredictable, purchasing likes can be a strategic first step. We offer this service to help you get ahead and maintain your prominence on the platform. If you're ready to take your Instagram presence to the next level, buying likes gradually can be an effective strategy.

Buy Instagram Likes from GiveMeBoost Starting at Just $9 per 1,000 Likes

Instagram likes are a key part of growing your presence on the platform. They show how many people appreciate your content, and they help your posts get seen by more people. But getting a lot of likes can be tough, especially if you're starting out or trying to reach a larger audience. That’s where GiveMeBoost can help. With likes starting at just $9 per 1,000, you can quickly boost your posts and attract more followers.

Why Instagram Likes Are Important

Build Social Proof

When people see a post with a lot of likes, they’re more likely to pay attention to it. It shows that others find the content interesting or valuable. This social proof can encourage new viewers to engage with your posts and follow your account.

Improve Your Visibility

Instagram’s algorithm favors posts with high engagement. When your posts get a lot of likes, they’re more likely to appear on your followers' feeds and on the Explore page. This increased visibility can lead to more organic likes, comments, and followers.

Enhance Credibility

A high number of likes can make your profile look more trustworthy and credible. For businesses and influencers, this can attract potential customers or brand partnerships. It shows that you have a solid audience who values your content.

Drive More Engagement

Posts with more likes often get more comments and shares. This can create a cycle of increasing engagement, where more people interact with your content because they see others doing the same. It’s a simple way to boost your overall interaction on Instagram.

Why Choose GiveMeBoost for Buying Instagram Likes

Affordable Pricing

GiveMeBoost offers Instagram likes at a competitive price of just $9 per 1,000 likes. This makes it easy for anyone, from small businesses to personal accounts, to invest in their social media growth without spending too much.

Quick Delivery

When you buy likes from GiveMeBoost, you don’t have to wait long to see results. Likes are delivered quickly, helping your posts gain traction and start attracting more organic engagement right away.

Easy to Use

Purchasing likes is straightforward with GiveMeBoost. You choose the package that suits your needs, provide the link to your Instagram post, and complete the payment. It’s that simple—no complicated steps or technical know-how required.

Safe and Secure

GiveMeBoost values your privacy and security. You don’t have to share your Instagram password, and all transactions are safe. Their service is designed to comply with Instagram’s guidelines, minimizing the risk of any issues with your account.

Real and High-Quality Likes

The likes you purchase from GiveMeBoost come from real accounts, which helps maintain the integrity of your profile. High-quality likes are more beneficial because they look natural and can positively impact your engagement rates.

How to Buy Instagram Likes from GiveMeBoost

Step 1: Visit the GiveMeBoost Website

Go to the GiveMeBoost website and navigate to the Instagram likes section. Here, you’ll find various packages to choose from.

Step 2: Choose Your Package

Select the package that best fits your needs. Packages start at $9 for 1,000 likes, with options for more likes if you need a bigger boost.

Step 3: Provide Your Post Link

Enter the link to the Instagram post you want to boost. Make sure your profile is set to public so that the likes can be delivered.

Step 4: Complete the Payment

Follow the payment process to complete your purchase. GiveMeBoost offers several payment options for convenience.

Step 5: Watch Your Likes Grow

Once your payment is confirmed, you’ll start seeing an increase in your like count. Enjoy the boost in visibility and engagement on your post!

Tips for Making the Most of Your Purchased Likes

Purchasing Instagram likes can give your posts a quick boost, but maximizing their impact requires a strategic approach. Here’s how you can make the most out of your purchased likes:

1. Post High-Quality Content

Eye-Catching Visuals

The first step in maximizing your purchased likes is to create high-quality, engaging content. Start with clear, eye-catching images or videos that immediately draw attention. Use bright colors, interesting compositions, and sharp details to make your content stand out in the crowded Instagram feed. High-resolution images and professionally edited videos convey a sense of quality that can captivate viewers.

Compelling Captions

Pair your visuals with compelling captions that add context, tell a story, or ask questions. A good caption can enhance the viewer’s experience and encourage them to interact with your post. Use humor, ask for opinions, or share interesting facts to keep your audience engaged. Captions should be concise but impactful, and they should always align with the tone and message of your content.

Consistent Branding

Maintain a consistent style and branding across your posts. This helps establish a recognizable aesthetic that your followers can associate with your account. Consistency in colors, filters, and themes creates a cohesive look that can make your profile more appealing and memorable. It’s also crucial for building a strong brand identity.


Authenticity matters. Authentic content resonates better with audiences because it feels genuine and relatable. Share real experiences, behind-the-scenes moments, or personal insights to create a deeper connection with your viewers. Authenticity builds trust and encourages more organic likes and engagement.

2. Use Relevant Hashtags

Increase Reach

Hashtags are essential tools for increasing the reach of your posts. They make your content discoverable to users who are searching for or following those hashtags. To maximize your reach, use a combination of popular and niche hashtags that are relevant to your content. Popular hashtags can attract a broad audience, while niche hashtags target a more specific group interested in your particular topic.

Research and Strategy

Conduct research to find the most effective hashtags for your content. Tools like Instagram’s search function, hashtag generators, and analytics platforms can help you identify trending and relevant hashtags. Aim to use a mix of widely used hashtags and less competitive ones to balance reach and engagement.

Keep It Relevant

Ensure that your hashtags are directly related to your content. Irrelevant or misleading hashtags can frustrate users and reduce engagement. For example, if you’re posting a picture of a beach, hashtags like #beachday, #sunset, or #oceanview are appropriate, while unrelated hashtags like #tech or #food might not attract the right audience.

Use Hashtags Strategically

Don’t overuse hashtags. Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, but using too many can make your post look spammy. Aim for a strategic selection of 10-15 well-chosen hashtags that best describe your content and attract your target audience.

3. Engage with Your Followers

Respond to Comments

Engagement doesn’t stop at getting likes. To build a loyal and interactive community, respond to comments on your posts. Acknowledge compliments, answer questions, and join in on conversations. This two-way interaction shows that you value your followers’ input and encourages them to engage more frequently.

Ask for Feedback

Encourage followers to leave comments by asking for their opinions or feedback. Questions and prompts in your captions can drive discussions and increase interaction. For example, you might ask, "What do you think of this outfit?" or "Have you tried this recipe before?" Engaging with your audience in this way fosters a sense of community and involvement.

Host Interactive Content

Consider hosting live sessions, Q&A, or polls to boost interaction. Live videos and interactive stories can create real-time engagement and make your followers feel more connected to you. These formats allow for instant feedback and can be a fun way to increase engagement.

Show Appreciation

Regularly show appreciation for your followers. Highlight user-generated content, give shoutouts, or run contests and giveaways. Recognizing your audience’s contributions and support can strengthen their loyalty and encourage more interaction.

4. Post at Optimal Times

Analyze Your Audience

Posting at the right times can significantly enhance the impact of your purchased likes. Use Instagram Insights to analyze when your followers are most active. Insights provide data on the days and times your audience is online, helping you schedule your posts for maximum visibility.

Time Zones

Consider the time zones of your followers. If you have a global audience, posting at different times may be necessary to reach users in various regions. Experiment with posting at different times to determine what works best for your audience.

Consistent Schedule

Maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged. Regular posting helps your followers know when to expect new content and can improve your overall engagement rates. Tools like social media schedulers can help automate your posting times based on the best engagement windows.

Test and Adapt

Don’t be afraid to test different posting times and analyze the results. Track the performance of your posts at various times and adjust your strategy based on what yields the highest engagement. This continuous optimization can help you find the ideal times for your specific audience.

5. Promote Your Posts

Cross-Promote on Other Platforms

Leverage your presence on other social media platforms to drive traffic to your Instagram posts. Share your Instagram content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or TikTok to reach a wider audience. Tailor your message to each platform to ensure it resonates with that audience.

Embed Posts on Your Website

If you have a website or blog, embed your Instagram posts to increase their visibility. Embedding allows visitors to view and interact with your Instagram content directly from your site, which can drive additional traffic and likes.

Use Stories and Highlights

Promote your posts in your Instagram Stories and Highlights. Stories are a great way to give your posts extra exposure, and Highlights can keep your best content accessible beyond the 24-hour story window. Use eye-catching graphics and call-to-actions to direct viewers to your posts.

Collaborate with Influencers

Collaborate with influencers or other content creators to amplify your reach. Influencers can share your posts with their followers, providing a significant boost in visibility. Choose collaborators who align with your brand and have an audience that matches your target demographic for the best results.

Utilize Paid Promotions

Consider using Instagram’s paid promotion features to further boost your posts. Sponsored posts can target specific demographics and appear in users’ feeds and stories, increasing the likelihood of getting more likes and engagement. Set a budget that aligns with your goals and monitor the performance of your promotions.


Buying Instagram likes from GiveMeBoost is a smart way to enhance your social media presence quickly and affordably. For just $9 per 1,000 likes, you can boost your posts, increase your visibility, and build credibility on the platform. Whether you’re a business looking to attract more customers or an influencer aiming to grow your following, GiveMeBoost offers a reliable solution to help you achieve your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Buy Instagram Likes from Give Me Boost?

Give Me Boost was created by a group of digital media professionals with more than 12 years of experience in managing social media accounts.

We continuously experiment with new ways to increase engagement on instagram, and we understand what is effective and what isn't. Over the past few years, we have successfully expanded thousands of accounts and generated millions of real instagram likes.

We are happy to share that we have over 1000 repeat customers every month who use GiveMeBoost to enhance their social media presence.

Which Instagram Likes Package should i buy?

You can select the package based on your followers count. If you have less than 1000 followers, you can opt for our starter package of 1000 instagram likes in which we will spread 1000 likes to your recent 10 posts, so you will end up getting 100 likes each on your latest 10 posts. If you have between 1000-2000 followers, you can opt for 2000 likes package. For people with 5000+ followers, we recommend that you go for 5000 likes package spread over latest 10 pictures. So selecting the likes package really depends upon how many followers you have on instagram.

What information do i need to provide you?

To process your instagram likes order, we just require your username on instagram. We do not require your password in order to deliver likes. Many service providers who offer likes service will ask for your instagram password which can be very unsafe. So we recommend you to buy instagram likes from the services where you don't have to provide your password.

How long will it take to complete my order?

We get to work immediately. Your order starts processing within minutes. Since our users are real, it might take up to 24 hours for the full effect to take place. So kindly wait for 24 hours to see full results of our service.

We've mastered how to bypass Instagram's spam filters by adjusting the speed of our likes distribution based on the users' locations. This is a complex technique, but it's effective. There’s no benefit in purchasing likes if it's going to harm your content and hinder your growth. That's why we carefully plan the distribution of likes according to the time zone where most of your audience is located.


"Give Me Boost offers a very unique instagram likes service where they can deliver real likes to your recent posts. I placed order of 5000 likes spread over my latest 10 posts and they were delivered in just 12 hours. My engagement on instagram was pretty poor but GiveMeBoost helped me boost my engagement numbers. Now i am able to attract more brands and i have already received 2 new sponsorship offers in past 1 week" - Emily

"Likes were delivered in just few hours and they are 100% real users. Many providers online send fake likes which is of no use. But in case of Give Me Boost, they promoted my account in a way that i am getting likes from real users. Thumbs up!" - Charles

How to Buy a Package?
Buying social media packages from Our servies is simple and fast. Just follow these steps

Choose Package

It's easy to get started with us. Choose from our wide range of packages that cater your requirements


Enter Details

Provide us details about what you need to boost now. We DON’T require your password


Wait for results

You can pay via card or any other available method. We will create and proceed with an order and inform you once done